Is Stainless Steel Is Weather Resistant?

Is Stainless Steel Is Weather Resistant?

Yes! Of Course...No Doubt About It. Stainless Steels are most notable for their corrosion resistance, which increases with increasing chromium content. Additions of molybdenum increase its corrosion resistance capacity. Thus, there are many grades of stainless steel with varying chromium and molybdenum contents.

Stainless steels do not suffer uniform corrosion. stainless steels contain sufficient chromium to undergo passivation, spontaneously forming a microscopically thin inert surface film of chromium oxide by reaction with the oxygen in the air and even the small amount of dissolved oxygen in the water. This passive film prevents further corrosion by blocking oxygen diffusion to the steel surface and thus prevents corrosion from spreading into the bulk of the metal.  

For this exceptional corrosion resistance, heat and fire resistance capacity, stainless steel is majorly used in all industries such as home appliances, hospital equipment, construction materials, industrial equipment, etc...

Stainless steel is used in buildings for both practical and aesthetic applications such as flag pole, grating, Handrail, Notice Board, Stainless Steel Gate, Glass Canopy with Stainless Steel Spider Support, Stainless Steel Decorative Trellis, Stainless Steel Shower Pole, Stainless Steel Letter Box, Stainless Steel Lighting Frame, Stainless Steel Signage, Stainless Steel Support for Skylight, Stainless Steel Cable for Creepers, Stainless Steel Sink Cover, Stainless Steel Table Stand, Stainless Steel Display Stand, Stainless Steel Bollard Etc,...

These all above mentioned stainless steel products are available under one roof in Singapore. Yes! Duraslide - Stainless Steel Supplier Singapore offers a wide variety of services from customized solutions to installation and repair & maintenance work which fulfills client's requirements.             

If you are looking for a latest stainless steel products in Singapore then quickly contact @ 6841 2133 or mail your queries @

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