Duraslide - No 1 Stainless Steel Supplier In Singapore

Duraslide - No 1 Stainless Steel Supplier In Singapore

Hi Everyone! In this blog, we will discuss the No 1 Stainless Steel Supplier In Singapore. Before that, we need to know the huge benefits of stainless steel.

Stainless Steel is mainly known for its corrosion resistance. For its corrosion resistance capacity, stainless steel is the ideal material for a multitude of applications include Architecture, Bridges, Art, Monuments and Sculptures, Airports, Water, Pulp, Paper, and Biomass Conversion, Chemical processing and Petrochemical, Food and Beverage, Locomotion, Automobiles, Light Commuter Trains, Passenger Rail Cars, Aircraft, Spacecraft, Medicine, Energy, Culinary, Jewelry, Firearms, 3D printing, etc...

Resistance to corrosion and staining, low maintenance, and familiar luster make stainless steel an ideal material for many applications where both the strength of steel and corrosion resistance are required.

Thus, there are numerous grades of stainless steel with varying chromium and molybdenum contents to suit the environment the alloy must endure.

Grades Of Stainless Steel 

1) 100 Series
2) 200 Series—Austenitic Chromium-Nickel-Manganese Alloys
3) 300 Series—Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Alloys
4) 400 Series—Ferritic and Martensitic Chromium Alloys
5) 500 Series—Heat Resisting Chromium Alloys
6) 600 Series—Created for proprietary Alloys
7) 900 series—Austenitic Chromium-Molybdenum Alloys

Each grade has unique characteristics and used in different applications. Generally, stainless steel’s strength, resistance to corrosion and low maintenance make it the ideal material for a wide range of applications includes

1) Architecture and Construction
2) Automotive and Transportation
3) Medical
4) Energy and Heavy Industries
5) Food and Catering

Best Stainless Steel Supplier In Singapore

Therefore there are numerous benefits of using stainless steel products. If you are looking for the No 1 Stainless Steel Supplier Singapore, then Approaching Duraslide is the best way to get all your needs of stainless steel products such as BBQ Pit, Flag Pole, Grating, Handrail, Notice Board, Stainless Steel Gate, and other stainless steel products. With years of experience in the glazing & stainless steel industry, Duraslide provides the most comprehensive service to the construction and 
private sectors. To know more details contact @ 6841 2133 or mail your queries @ enquiries@duraslide.com.sg

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Courtesy: shorturl.at/asEL9


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